Conceptual Art Director
I'm a London based Art Director with 20 years of agency experience, producing work that gets results; on the tube, the back of a bus, online, on the airwaves and the doormat. I've helped find cures, save lives and build hospitals. I've even sold the odd garden shed.
I always knew I'd grow up at some point. And whilst the skateboard in the corner has gathered a bit more dust of late and the baggy jeans have become a little tighter in recent times, I'd like to think my mind is only getting sharper – and my 2b pencil as well.
From the conceptual through to the colouring-in, ideas to execution, I'm good at what I do (but hate to brag about it) and have worked at some decent agencies over the years. Recently I’ve been making good things happen with top 10 charities like Save the Children, Alzheimer’s Society, RNLI, RSPCA, British Heart Foundation and Oxfam.
I don’t take myself too seriously but I'm ready for a serious challenge.
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